Waiver & Liability Release

last updated 17th May 2024

By accessing our services, participating in our training sessions, or using our facilities, you agree to the following terms and conditions outlined in this Waiver and Liability Release as well as our Privacy Policy (available here) and Membership Terms (available here). Please read them carefully.

1. Acknowledgment of Risks

You acknowledge that the nature of martial arts training is physically demanding and involves a significant risk of physical injury, including but not limited to bruises, scrapes, broken bones, and more severe conditions. You understand that these risks are inherent to the practice and participation in martial arts and physical fitness activities.

2. Voluntary Participation

You confirm that your decision to participate in martial arts training, classes, and any other activities offered by our gym is made voluntarily. You assert that you are aware of the nature of these activities, understand the demands of those activities relative to your physical condition, and are adequately equipped to handle those demands.

3. Health and Safety

You declare that you are in good physical condition and do not suffer from any known disability or condition which would prevent or limit your participation in martial arts training. You agree to inform the gym's staff of any relevant pre-existing medical conditions or limitations and to cease activity and report any unusual feelings (e.g., faintness, shortness of breath, high anxiety) to the staff immediately.

4. Personal Belongings

You acknowledge that the gym is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged personal belongings brought into or stored on the premises.

5. Waiver of Liability

You hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue the Martial Arts Gym, its directors, officers, employees, trainers, volunteers, agents, and affiliates (collectively, "Released Parties") from liability from any and all claims resulting from the inherent risks of martial arts activities or any acts of negligence by the Released Parties.

6. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties from any loss, liability, damage, or costs they may incur due to your participation in any activity or presence at the gym. You assume full responsibility for any third-party claims arising from your conduct.

7. Emergency Medical Permission

In the event of an injury or illness, you authorize the gym staff or its representatives to arrange for medical treatment on your behalf, including transportation to a healthcare facility, if required. You agree to be fully responsible for any associated medical expenses.

8. Photo and Video Consent

You consent to the use of photographs, videos, and/or likenesses of you captured during your participation in gym activities for promotional materials, advertising, and social media. If you do not agree to this usage, you must notify the gym in writing.

9. Agreement Scope and Severability

This agreement extends to all acts of negligence by the Released Parties and is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by law. If any portion of this agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall continue in full legal force and effect.

10. Acknowledgment

You acknowledge that you have read this Waiver and Liability Release, understand its terms, recognize that you are giving up substantial rights by agreeing to it, and have agreed to it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature. You intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.

By proceeding with the use of our gym's website, services, or facilities, you signify your understanding and acceptance of these terms.

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